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Dear Heloise: Hello, I am Max. I was born Sept. 8, 2021, and was rescued by Pasadena Humane. I am a domestic, shorthair mixedbreed cat. My pet parent adopted me on Oct. 31, 2021. I love to play with ribbons and strings.


Dear Heloise: Angela H. suggested putting all of her important information, including her medical information, in two address books. A better solution is to use her iPhone if she has one! She can use the Health app to record all her information, including her medical info. The great thing about this is that it can be available to first responders in case of an accident or another emergency, even if you are unconscious.


Dear Heloise: In response to the reader who wrote in about keeping information about their blood type in their car, I don’t want people to worry if they don’t know their blood type. Very few people do, and it’s not necessary. There is no point in keeping your blood type in your car. A blood bank would never go off this information and always types in the patient’s name to be sure that it is accurate. I was the chief head technologist for the blood bank for the Baptist Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. (I am now retired.) -- Lee Miller, via email

Declare His resurrection: He is risen; He is risen indeed!

It was the third day after His crucifixion and Jesus was dead, or so they thought. Friday was the day that Jesus had entered into the city of Jeru-salem upon a donkey, the foal of a donkey. People were cheering and laying down palm leaves and spreading quilts and blankets on the ground for Him to ride over. Well was it a good day, and the reason why we call it “Good Friday”. But before that day was over, good was changed to bad, joy was changed to evil, and Jesus was brought before the religious offi-cials, the High Council of the Temple, as false accusations were brought before the “powers that be”. No matter what He said, no one believed His witness. Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, tried to set Him free, but the crowd was urged as a mob to cry out, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” Pi-late was even warned by his wife to “Have nothing to do with this man”, and he tried to wash his hands of the fate that had been imposed upon him, but history would record that the blood of the man of Galilee would be upon his hands. “You crucify him!” Pilate called out. “I find no fault in Him!” But the Jewish religious leaders had to come before him in order to have the authority to do what they did. All Pilate could do is have Him whipped as an insurrectionist in hopes of pleasing the people, but it was Barabbas that the mob cried out for.


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