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Hints from Heloise

NAIL-BITING IS HARD TO QUIT Dear Heloise: Biting my fingernails has been a lifelong habit that I just can’t stop. I always seem to have a finger in my mouth. I’m not sure why I started. My nails are a disgrace, and at my age, it’s embarrassing. I often bite my nails without thinking. Got any hints on how to stop? -- Cynthia P., Elsmere, Delaware Cynthia, there are overthe- counter products you can buy online to give your fingers an unpleasant taste. There are also finger guards made of latex to cover your fingers. Some people have tried hypnosis, but I can’t say I personally know anyone who was successful using this method.

5th Circuit Court removes judge from foster care suit

The federal judge who has repeatedly found Texas in contempt for not fixing its foster care system has been removed by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals after a threejudge panel faulting U.S. District Judge Janis Jack’s “highly antagonistic demeanor,” The Texas Tribune reported. The three also reversed the $100,000 daily fine against the state’s defendants — the Texas Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Family and Protective Services, which runs the foster care system.


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